Giving Thanks and Spending Time with Family

Take a break this weekend from the hustle and bustle of school routines

As Thanksgiving nears, it is a perfect time to take a break from the busy weekly routines of school, after-school activities and homework to spend time together as a family. The days off of school are not just an opportunity to catch up on sleep and feast on delicious food, but they can be a time to focus on family and relationships by planning meaningful and memorable activities together. Take the time to be thankful for all the talents, strengths and love your children possess. Thanksgiving break is an ideal time for your children to “breathe” without the worry of homework, after-school activities and studying. By engaging in volunteer opportunities, family games and story telling, this Thanksgiving break you have an opportunity to provide a learning experience that your child can’t get in any classroom setting.

As a parent and a former classroom teacher, I understand the pressures facing students, parents and educators. I understand the sacred relationship parents wish to preserve with their children and why tutors can be of such value. Tutoring can be one of the most important aspects of a student’s education. It provides an environment for the student to tackle challenging work related to their studies, proceed at their own pace, and ask questions without the fear of being embarrassed in a classroom setting.

One of the best results from tutoring is the boost in self confidence. Tutors and students build unique relationships because the tutor is solely focused on one child at a time. Students feel like someone is on their side, taking time to explain concepts in a way that matches their learning style. Tutors often stay with clients for many years and understand their growth from a much bigger picture than a classroom teacher.

Do you find yourself struggling to preserve a positive relationship with your child because there are challenges with homework and grades? Does your child need an educator to help explain subject material and become a cheerleader for him or her? Contact LS Tutors today to find a tutor who can be that support for your child.

A Years Worth of Thanks

jarThis January, start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen to your family during the year.  Maybe it is a compliment you wish to offer your son or daughter about a strength you admire or maybe it is a congratulations for getting an A on an exam. Maybe it is a funny story that happened on a family trip or a moment you were really proud.  Then, on New Years Eve, open the jar and take turns reading the notes together as a family!

Give Thanks in Your Own Way

thank-you-noteThis is really what it’s all about: Giving thanks for family, friends,the holiday feast, and other good fortune. Relatives and guests can give thanks for something verbally at the dinner table, write and exchange Thanksgiving thank-you cards, or find another unique way to give thanks. Showing gratitude in some way will help children learn about the true spirit of Thanksgiving.


Research Your Family Tree

familyThanksgiving is a perfect time to help your kids learn about their family history. With grandparents and older relatives around, children can dive into their genealogy and practice their interviewing skills while learning about their family roots.  You can use a printable tree or an online program like to help record details.

Posted in Tutoring Services.