A Thankful Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving nears, it is a perfect time to take a break from the busy weekly routines of school, after-school activities and homework to spend time together as a family. The days off of school are not just an opportunity to catch up on sleep and feast on delicious food, but they can be a time to focus on family and relationships by planning meaningful and memorable activities together.

Changes for the SAT

Almost every ten years, the College Board overhauls the SAT. The upcoming change could be the largest in the test’s almost-100-year history. The SAT is soon shedding its paper booklets and going completely digital. It will be available to be taken on a laptop or tablet beginning with international students in 2023 and rolling out […]

Simple, Meaningful Tricks to Limit Digital Distractions 

As a mom of three boys, I struggle daily with being a “screen police”.  Digital Distractions are ever present during homework time. My seventh grader typically has 10+ tabs open on his Chromebook.  My fifth grader calls me “old fashioned” when I suggest writing a rough draft in pencil and paper rather than on Google […]

The History and Stats Behind Teacher Appreciation Week

We are in the middle of “National Teacher Appreciation Week” and many school communities are going the extra mile to show how much their teachers are appreciated. In 1953, Eleanor Roosevelt convinced congress to recognize teachers with a specific day. Although she had the support of congress, it took another 27 years and help from […]

A Holiday Message from LS Tutors

As parents we desire the best for our children. We do everything in our power to prepare them for success in school and life.  I reflected on this while driving and listening to a Spotify playlist.  I’m not a huge fan of country music but found myself replaying the following song by Tim McGraw (sung […]

Keeping Learning Fresh During the Summer of COVID-19

Typically the summer is an ideal time to work on extra learning opportunities for students.  However, this summer is anything but typical.  Between distance learning in the spring, having camps cancelled and uncertainty about what school will look like in the fall parents and children are anxious. 

Tips for Successful Distance Learning Experiences

As we welcome the month of April, our local schools have started rolling out distance learning programs. The amount of time each student is required to log in, complete virtual lessons and independent work vary greatly by age, school and grade. However, as parents, we can follow some simple steps at home to help set […]

Parent-Teacher Conference Time

We have reached the time when students have been with their current teacher for a quarter of the school year. Schools often schedule parent-teacher conferences during the month of November to discuss progress, successes and concerns regarding your child. I read an article in the Washington Post a few years back and feel it is important to share again as we head to our conferences. Make the most of your 20 minute slot and use the tips below to help guide the process!

Lecture Series: Anxiety in Children

As an educator and parent, I have found the Lab School Lecture Series highly valuable. Next week, on September 28th, Dr. Daniel Pine will discuss Anxiety in Children. Dr. Pine will share three aspects of pediatric anxiety.  First, he will describe what is known about the outcome of children with anxiety disorders when they are […]