Back to School 2023-2024

As the back-to-school season rolls around, students of all ages are gearing up to hit the books once again. The return to school can be both exciting and daunting for students of all ages. However, one valuable resource that often gets overlooked is the assistance of a tutor. Personalized Learning: One of the most significant […]

I Love You too Much to Fight About Grades

The first marking period will soon conclude for many students.  Others will receive midterm feedback from teachers.  As noted in my last blog, this school year is anything but normal.  Both students and teachers continue to adjust to an 18 month learning-slide due to the pandemic and virtual learning.  Students may have worked harder than ever and may not “reap the benefits” when it comes to their report card.

Working with Young Introverts

“We gave Cain a call to talk about how schools, both right now and far off in the future, could better care for the needs of introverted students. Below, an edited transcript of that conversation, with some very surprising answers. Could we rethink the chaotic school cafeteria? How about recess? How about the very definition of “class participation?” Cain offers bold ideas in these areas and more.”

Conversations with Students about Grades

It’s that time of year when the third marking period ends and students and teachers are gearing up for the “final stretch” of the school year.  Report card time generates many emotions (from teachers, parents and students)!  Feelings of accomplishment and pride to anxiety and disappointment surface when the reports are sent home.  As someone […]